Leadership Renewal – A Guide to Rest and Reset

As the buds bloom and daylight stretches a bit longer each day, we sense the invigorating promise of spring break on the horizon. There is a palpable air of transition. I can’t think of a better time for us, as leaders, to mirror nature’s cue for rejuvenation.

Reflecting on Leadership and Self-Care.

It is easy to advocate for putting in the hours and pressing on relentlessly. But even seasoned leaders need moments to pause and replenish. As Brené Brown reminds us, “We cannot lead from a place of exhaustion.” This spring break, I invite you to join me in shifting gears from doing to being. The shift matters, not the percentage of time “being” versus “doing.” Make a commitment to yourself to take time to prioritize self-care and rest for the sake of yourself, your team, and your personal growth.

Planning a Restorative Spring Break.

Time away is not just about disconnecting. It is also about coming back with a wellspring of fresh perspectives. Here are some contemplative questions to consider as you sketch out your spring reprieve:

  • How are you planning to incorporate self-care into your spring break?
  • What strategies can you use to disconnect from work and fully recharge during downtime?
  • How are you going to create intentional time for free thinking?
  • What can you do to provide yourself with inspiration?
  • What does success look like at the end of your time away from work? A grand answer is not needed!

Ideas to help you get started.

  • Use an out-of-office message, sharing the dates when you will be unavailable or indicating that you will be online infrequently. Provide the name of someone to contact in case of an urgent matter. You can use professional creativity in your out-of-office message if it is not antithetical to your office and organizational culture. 
  • Be purposeful about taking a technology break. It is beneficial for you as a leader, can impact your team and organizational culture, and it is extremely good for your brain.
  • Feed your curiosity and explore things you are interested in learning more about. Have you thought about mapping out your core values? Your values are an important part of how you lead and can impact the culture you want to create. What are some books that have piqued your interest lately? Are there any podcasts that you have been wanting to listen to?
  • Do not overschedule your time. This is one thing (among many others) that I fall victim to that I am intentionally working on remedying. It is important to be intentional within your comfort zone.
  • Treat yourself to a retreat. You don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to go on a retreat. You can create your own adventure right where you live. You do not have to travel away from home. How many attractions do you live close to that you take for granted? What books do you want to read? What restaurants have you been wanting to try?

If you have not been thinking about taking a break for renewal, you should. Progress lies in the balance and artful interplay of effort and ease. Resting is one way to achieve this harmony.



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