Executive Coaching

Empowering leaders to illuminate possibility!

Executive Coaching

Empowering leaders to illuminate possibility!

As an executive coach and member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), I empower leaders to expand their lens of self-awareness to illuminate the possibilities for personal and professional growth.

Today, as an executive leader, you face a rapidly changing and increasingly complex workplace that requires you to navigate multiple aspects of yourself and others while providing vision, strategy, and driving for bottom-line results. Transformational leadership coaching is a tool to unlock and harness your potential with purpose, intention, and clarity.

Atomic Coaching Sessions

90 Minutes

Ideal for those who have never worked with an executive coach before and want to experience a coaching conversation around a topic that is time sensitive or needs more focused attention.

In a ninety-minute session, we:

Long-Term Coaching Engagements

Three to Six Months

For any leader who wants to work through the complexities of the modern-day workplace, long-term coaching engagements require a willingness to be vulnerable so that together, we can navigate the multiple aspects of yourself, others, and the systems in which you exist. The answers you need as a leader to recalibrate and thrive are not in articles or textbooks; they exist within you. In these sessions, you will gain greater self-awareness in service to the objectives you identify for your coaching engagement through inquisitive questions and dialogue.

A long-term engagement has a defined timeline tailored to your leadership needs. The Leadership Circle Profile™ 360° assessment is a tool that can be added on as part of your coaching package.

Ready to get started?

To get started with Executive Coaching, fill out and submit the form below and I’ll reach out to you within 1-2 business days.

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