One Word Could Transform 2025

What if one word could reshape how you approach the coming year? A leader’s path to transformation starts from within. Instead of making a traditional list of New Year’s resolutions, create your intention by being guided by an intentional and powerful word, serving as your North Star for the year ahead. To lead others effectively, […]

Dementors at Work: Identify what drains you and cast a Patronus

Halloween is almost upon us, and I like to have a bit of fun with the content I share, so I thought we could imbibe in a Harry Potter-themed post. After all, Halloween is not just for children! For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the season is shifting to shorter days, which means waking […]

Square Peg, Round Hole

We’ve all been there. You’ve identified a problem and come up with what you think is the perfect solution, only to find it doesn’t quite fit or that it is met with much resistance. Frustration sets in, but instead of looking for alternative approaches or a compromise, you stubbornly persist with the same solution, hoping […]

Reclaiming Time

Time, at its essence, is a construct of our minds and how we measure the moment. It seems like a finite resource as we navigate our day-to-day lives in the world’s complexity. For many professionals, the pressure of time in the workplace, balanced against the volume and pace of work, has reached a tipping point. […]

Next-Gen Leadership

The landscape of leadership is evolving. Yesterday’s leadership models, defined by command and control, no longer suffice in today’s rapidly changing world. Today’s leaders face unprecedented complexity, requiring new skills, tools, and mindsets to thrive. Leadership has always been about influencing others to achieve common goals. However, as we move towards the future, the methods […]

How to Recover from Mistakes as a Leader

Many of my coaching clients, especially those who have recently transitioned into new roles, express a common fear of making mistakes or being responsible for team members’ mistakes. This fear is usually born out of the need for perfection. One of the shadow sides of being a perfectionist is the fear of failure. This fear […]

Leadership Renewal – A Guide to Rest and Reset

As the buds bloom and daylight stretches a bit longer each day, we sense the invigorating promise of spring break on the horizon. There is a palpable air of transition. I can’t think of a better time for us, as leaders, to mirror nature’s cue for rejuvenation. Reflecting on Leadership and Self-Care. It is easy […]

Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition is something most of us take for granted because it is part of our everyday lives and plays a significant role in how we make sense of things in the world. As humans, our brains are hardwired for pattern recognition because it is how we learn and solve problems. For example, if I […]

Wellness and Leadership 

The idea of wellness is not new. We all know what it means and why it is crucial for our personal and professional lives. However, committing to wellness can be challenging for many of us because it requires us to make physical and behavioral changes, which can be difficult to achieve due to our entrenched […]

Managing Your Energy Bar

About a year ago, one of my colleagues requested to shadow me at work for a day. It was an eye-opening experience as I became more aware of how I approach each moment of my workday and how I manage my energy throughout the day. One of the things that I am very conscious about […]

What Skeletons Are in Your Leadership Closet?

When coaching leaders, one of the topics that I always explore is how one’s inner game has a significant impact on one’s outer game. The inner game ‘skeletons in the closet’ can hinder leaders from achieving their full potential. We all have skeletons in our closets; however, sometimes, we can’t identify them without delving deep, […]

Hope is Not a Strategy

Growing up, my father taught me a valuable lesson that has stayed with me. He would often remind me that hope is not a strategy. As someone who always had high hopes and big dreams, I realized later in life that my father intended to motivate me to action to achieve my goals. It was […]

Nurturing Creativity as a Leader

Effective leadership requires inspiring and motivating people to collaborate toward a shared objective. As leaders, we need a combination of skills, knowledge, and personal attributes to achieve success. Many leaders neglect an essential factor that can enhance their leadership and amplify business outcomes. Creativity! Creativity is a powerful tool that can unlock new solutions, ideas, […]

The Power of “Thinking Time” for Leaders

As leaders, every decision we make has costs and benefits, including how we spend our time. For several reasons, leaders need help carving out time to think and be strategic. Sometimes, it is just a lack of discipline; at other times, it is simply procrastination, but frequently, it is the unrelenting nature of our calendars. […]

Testing Assumptions

One of the greatest lessons I have learned in my leadership journey is that I often make assumptions by creating my own narrative between data points. These assumptions can lead me to draw wrong conclusions, make poor decisions, and have negative feelings toward others. As a leader or manager, it’s natural to want to make […]